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an energy ring
weight0.8 oz

You can drop this item from:
Ice Ghost 5% chance
Icicle Spirefiend 5% chance
Frost Dragon 5% chance
Frozen Leviathan 5% chance
Dragon Lord 5% chance
Apocalypse 13.5% chance
Bazir 13.5% chance
Demodras 10% chance
Dragon Lord 5% chance
Ferumbras 13.5% chance
Infernatil 13.5% chance
Morgaroth 7.8% chance
Orshabaal 13.5% chance
Dipthrah 5% chance
Serpent Spawn 3% chance
Warlock 3% chance
Enlightened of the Cult 1% chance
Hand Of Cursed Fate 3.1% chance

You can buy this item from npc:
Yaman 2000 gold coins
You can sell this item from npc:
Yaman 100 gold coins
