Host: | Custom Client: 7.72
a plate armor
weight120 oz

You can drop this item from:
orc warlord 6% chance
Ancient Scarab 10% chance
Behemoth 2% chance
Black Knight 10% chance
Bonebeast 8% chance
Giant Spider 10% chance
Kongra 1% chance
Lizard Templar 1% chance
The Old Widow 20% chance
Orc Leader 1.5% chance
Orc Warlord 6% chance
Valkyrie 0.8% chance
Brutus Bloodbeard 40% chance
Deadeye Devious 100.5% chance
Lethal Lissy 4% chance
Pirate Buccaneer 1.1% chance
Quara Pincher Scout 7.3% chance
Ron the Ripper 4% chance
Destroyer 4.3% chance

You can buy this item from npc:
Kroox 1200 gold coins
You can sell this item from npc:
Azil 240 gold coins
Brengus 400 gold coins
Cedrik 400 gold coins
Cornelia 240 gold coins
H.L. 110 gold coins
Kroox 240 gold coins
Memech 400 gold coins
Sam 400 gold coins
Shanar 400 gold coins
Turvy 400 gold coins
Willard 400 gold coins
Yanni 400 gold coins
